I just wanted to highlight a recent webinar I did with Jim Oglanian from Orbitz -- http://www.aiim.org/article-webinar.asp?ID=33722.
Jim is the CMS Product Manager at Orbitz. On the webinar, he focused on how Orbitz...
...changes web site content while maintaining security standards
...separates content from context and use multiple channels of distribution
...uses the same content source within multiple contexts
...successfully and delicately removed developers from the editorial process
Make sure to stay tuned until the end of the webinar - there was at least 25 minutes of really good Q&A at the end -- Jim was an awesome guest.
Jim manages the authoring and publishing of merchandise and application content for the new Orbitz global web platform. Jim has extensive experience architecting, building and maintaining large, global Web sites. Prior to Orbitz, Jim managed UI enhancements for the Salt Lake City 2002 City Olympics Web site and for Microsoft at MSNBC.com. Jim also helped to build Arthurandersen.com from its inception to a global, award winning professional services portal.
Check out the webinar at THIS LINK.
This webinar is part of a series I am doing -- the next one is with Blake Donley, from Great River Energy, (Minnesota's second-largest power generation and transmission co-op) and will focus on how Great River Energy created and implemented its enterprise records management system. CLICK HERE to register for this webinar.
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