According to IDC, the amount of information in the Digital Universe will grow by a factor of 44 between now and the end of the decade. Even more challenging, the number of containers or files will grow by a factor of 67. The subset of information that needs to be secured is growing almost twice as fast. And the amount of UNPROTECTED yet sensitive data is growing even faster.
And while all of this is going on, the number of IT professionals in the world will grow only by a factor of 1.4. [IDC, Digital Universe]
Well, hell, that's a lot of bits and bytes.
The shift to Systems of Engagement dramatically increases the complexity and volume of data and information that must be managed within an organization. IT, we understand that not everything can or should be saved forever because of the litigation risk associated with saving "everything." We also understand that there is growing value in mining the huge masses of information we are accumulating. We also understand that these two statements are not necessarily consistent with each other. Help us make sense of our irrationality.
On the "risk" side of the equation, the volume of information coming at us is making it clear that manual information retention and disposition processes simply extended from the world of Systems of Record will no longer suffice. Aside from the sheer enormity of the task, a lack of clarity about what content is valuable is the main obstacle, along with the fear of getting it wrong and a sense that there is no immediate ROI from getting rid of outdated information.
The reality in most organizations is that traditional approaches to information governance are a joke, and it's not for lack of effort. It was never realistic to assume that knowledge workers would assist in manually classifying documents according a complex records retention schedule, and it is equally unrealistic to assume that we will manage the firehouse of data and unstructured ephemeral social content with the same kinds of records rigor that we applied to retention of a life insurance policy for the life of the policy holder.
Clearly, adapting to the world that is upon us is proving problematic:
- Two-thirds of organizations have an Information Management Strategy, only 22% use it. (Process Revolution: Moving Your Business from Paper to PC to Tablet).
- 79% of organizations have an Information Retention policy, but only 32% enforce it. (Process Revolution: Moving Your Business from Paper to PC to Tablet).
- 70% have mobile device rules, and social media rules, only 30% enforce them. (Process Revolution: Moving Your Business from Paper to PC to Tablet).
- 58% of organizations say that a single enterprise records management model underlying all content systems is their goal, yet only 9% have achieved this. (Records Management Strategies: Plotting the Changes)
Yuchon Lee, a VP with IBM, describes the "value" side of the equation this way...
"For the past decade, companies have been accumulating data in what we call a system of record. Those who survive going forward will also have systems of engagement, which start with evaluating how you can have a relevant conversation with each individual customer across all channels. And insuring you have the analytical capability and the data to support that analysis. That is where the linkage is between the system of record data to system of engagement. On the technology side, we believe the future of handling this volume lies in leveraging the capability of the cloud. A lot of the analysis is done behind a firewall, but the analysis, platform and architecture is really a hybrid. That is how you solve the problem and get the most value out of the data."
Many analytical solutions were not possible previously in the world of unstructured information because: 1) they were too costly to implement; 2) they were not capable of handling the large volumes of data involved in a timely manner; or 3) the required data simply did not exist in an electronic form. New tools now bring the capabilities of business intelligence and the benefits of optimization, asset management, pattern detection and compliance monitoring to the world of unstructured information. Cloud technologies such as HADOOP and NoSQL have dramatically changed the cost of analyzing large volumes of information, making analysis of large amounts this information affordable for first time.
The systems that we have deployed until know have largely centered around trying to identify, store, preserve, and act upon information that has intrinsic value, usually directly in the context of business process. We have done a better job of managing this high-value Systems of Record information on the structured side than on the unstructured side. This is not only in terms of the % of information under some sort of governance (think of our usual lament that 80% of the information in an organization is unstructured, and most of this in unmanaged), but also in terms of the lack of tools to actively interpret and mine all of this unstructured information in any meaningful way.
Systems of Engagement are generating massive volumes of new structured and unstructured information. Per Fortune, by 2020, Internet connected devices will grow from 400 million today to 50 billion. These devices will be talking to each other and to the Internet. By 2020, it is also predicted that our smart phones will have the capability of storing and accessing as much information as IBM’s Watson and super-computers can. The core difference between this "low-value-density" information and all of the high-value information in Systems of Record is that this new information tends to have value in the aggregate or as it is interpreted rather than intrinsinctly. In other words, it is easy to see the value in storing a document or a piece of data that documents a specific transaction or process. It is more difficult - and it has been too expensive in the past - to do so with vast quantities of digital flotsam and jetsam that has value only as it is aggregated and analyzed.
Advances in semantics, search, content and text analytics, and print stream analytics are now making analysis of large amounts of information practical for first time - especially all of that unstructured information hidden away in digital landfills. In addition, for the first time, natural language processing and visualization techologies are moving the analysis of all of this data and information from technical back rooms and into the executive suite (to help solve the vexing business problems listed above).
The business needs to acknowledge that the old world of paper driven records management approaches is dead; and we need IT's help in mitigating the risks associated with the death of this nice predictable world. We also desperately need to get more value out of all the "stuff" we are gathering -- and use this intelligence to improve customer responsiveness and anticipate and predict where the business will go next.
Have you registered for the AIIM Content Management Boot Camp yet?
A few slots are left; the event is free, but first come, first served.
May 01, 2012 | Renaissance Houston Greenway Plaza Hotel | Houston, TX | Register/Agenda |
May 03, 2012 | Renaissance Dallas Hotel | Dallas, TX | Register/Agenda |
May 08, 2012 | Hyatt Regency Denver Convention Center | Denver, CO | Register/Agenda |
May 10, 2012 | Sheraton Anaheim Hotel | Anaheim, CA | Register/Agenda |
May 15, 2012 | The Westin Bellevue | Bellevue, WA | Register/Agenda |
May 17, 2012 | Palace Hotel | San Francisco, CA | Register/Agenda |
9 reasons to attend...
- Your organization needs to change the way they handle paper – it’s everywhere and it’s slowing down your business processes.
- Your marketing team wants to reach customers where they are and how they consume content – social, local, and mobile.
- Your company has offices around the globe and you need to collaborate better.
- Your Business Executives want to put everything in the Cloud. Should you?
- You need to build a strategy to handle “Big Data” in your organization.
- You want to ban email in your organization - just for one day.
- You want to find out how your peers are solving their business challenges and get some insight in to key considerations.
- There are so many solutions out there. Which one do you choose?
- For you records managers and information professionals, the event has been pre-approved for 4 hours of ICRM Certification Maintenance Program (CMP) credits when you attend. You'll also get CIP credits.
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