Hand-print or Handwriting, HUGE difference! by Chris "Imaging Savant" Riley Sr. ECM & Document Capture Architect
Capture: Here is another roll-up your sleeves down and dirty post. When it comes to forms processing and data capture working with documents that have hand-print vs. handwriting is a huge difference. Han... read more
Migrating to SharePoint 2010: Home Makeover MOSS Edition by Marc Solomon Knowledge Planning and Coordination
SharePoint: It's snowtime ... no, showtime. What I mean is migrating +100 GIG of documents, schematics, and media files from our MOSS production server to our looming SharePoint 2010 launch. The snow me... read more
Getting to Know Your Users by Joe Shepley Principal Consultant
Social Business: In my previous posts, I’ve talked a lot about how E2.0 has less to do with technology than with people, that it’s really about enabling more effective people-to-people relationships, not simply ... read more
Can We Automate Retention? by Susan Cisco Director
ERM: In her recent post @ http://aiimcommunities.org/erm/blog/retention-needs-enema, Julie Cogan noted that some innovation in developing and implementing retention schedules is happening in the cont... read more
Disposing of Electronic Records with “Triggering Event” Based Retention Periods by Susan Goodman Senior Vice President, Bank of America, Enterprise Digital Records Program (EDRP) for Bank of America
ERM: BACKROUND One of the greatest challenges faced by firms when implementing retention rules is effectively managing records that have retention periods predicated upon “event based triggers.” ... read more
The Gift of Anticipation by Mimi Dionne Consultant for Mimi Dionne Consulting
ERM: What gift do you think a good servant has that separates him from the others? It’s the gift of anticipation. And I’m a good servant. I’m better than good, I’m the best—I’m the perfect servant. ... read more
Ready For Prime Time by DANIEL ANTION VP INFO SVCS for American Nuclear Insurers
SharePoint: I love it when somebody does something that inspires a blog entry. Trying to write two SharePoint blogs each week, and keeping them useful, can be challenging, so it’s nice when someone helps. W... read more
Drive for Show, Putt for Dough – a Lesson for Enterprise 2.0 Platforms by Steve Radick Lead Associate for Booz Allen Hamilton
Social Business: Ever hear the phrase “Drive for Show, Putt for Dough?” It’s time-honored sports cliche that refers to the oohs and ahhs that a huge golf drive off the tee will elicit from the crowd. However, ... read more
Users losing permissions? This might be the reason. by Michael Doyle SharePoint Architect for Waggener Edstrom Worldwide
SharePoint: This is something that came up recently and I thought I would I would share in case you are running into the same problem. The scenario is this. A user is deleted from AD and then a profile impo... read more
Stealing Your Content for Fame and Fortune by Dan Elam VP for IQ Group
ERM: We spend a lot of time in this industry talking about how to capture information and, through good records management practices, dispose of content when appropriate. But we don’t talk about how... read more
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