Here are 7 articles I found interesting re the just concluded SharePoint 2012 Conference:
SharePoint Conference 2012: The Time Machine Question
SharePoint Conference 2012: The Time Machine Question. by Craig Roth | November 14, 2012 |
Windows IT ProMicrosoft addresses Yammer integration plans at SharePoint conferenceComputerworldMicrosoft started to address those burning questions on Monday at its SharePoint Conference 2012 in Las Vegas with an initial integration road map for the ...
Here at the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas where things are in full swing, I attended Geoffrey Edge's presentation on "Planning for the Lifecycle of Your ShareP ...
SharePoint 2013 To 'Supercharge' Enterprise Social Networking - - Microsoft officials kicked off the company's annual SharePoint Conference this week with a few announcements. The company's keynote talk on Monday offered a "reimagined" Share ... 12
At a SharePoint-oriented conference in Las Vegas, Microsoft announced today that the kind of social features that Yammer provides — and which SharePoint was widely criticized for not having, or at least for not having executed well — are now just part of every business application. SharePoint alternative Huddle crashed the Microsoft SharePoint Conference (#SPC11) with a marching band and cheerleaders. Yes you read that right! First we gave you the Huddle movie trailer and now we have the behind the scenes footage...
() Nov 14, 2012 ... The enterprise social features are much easier to use and they resemble the big social networks, as you can follow just abou ...
Might also be of interest --
What Happens in Vegas by Daniel Antion -- Vice President Information Services for American Nuclear Insurers
Automating ERM with SharePoint --
AIIM SharePoint Training on Governance and ECM
- Learn best practices for managing and sharing information on the SharePoint platform.
AIIM SharePoint Training on Collaboration
- Learn how to use SharePoint 2010 as a collaboration platform.
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