Announcing -- drum roll please -- the Digital Landfill Prognosticator of the Year competition.
Here's your chance for fame, fortune, happiness, or [you fill in the blank].
I'd like to use the "wisdom of the experts" validated by the "wisdom of the crowd" to determine the top ten content and information management trends that will matter to information professionals over the next 12-18 months.
Here are the rules...
Identify what you think is the most important trend in the marketplace of concern to information professionals. Do so with the mindset that your trend will be evaluated by the "wisdom of the AIIM crowd" against two criteria...
1 -- How IMPORTANT or SIGNIFICANT is the trend?
And perhaps even more important...
2 -- How UNIQUE or INSIGHTFUL is this trend? (i.e., it makes you think, "Gee, I hadn't thought of that.")
Your submission should be made directly via a comment on this blog and should be in this format -- The trend itself, crystalized into 10 words or less, followed by NO MORE than 50 words providing whatever explanation you choose.
The submissions are due NO LATER THAN December 29 January 6. They will be circulated for validation and evaluation to the AIIM community the first second week in January, and the winners will be announced the 2nd 3rd week of January.
Here's what the winners get...
1 -- Publication of the trend in special issue of Digital Landfill, augmented by lots of tweeting.
2 -- A link back to your site.
3 -- A cool badge to use on your site.
4 -- The praise of millions. Er - thousands.
Let the submissions begin!
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