It's time for the glamour competition among the AIIM expert bloggers and Digital Landill bloggers.
The top 10 posts in the third quarter!
A comment before I trigger a slew of Twitter comments both pro and con about SharePoint.
- We (AIIM) don't select the topics.
- We (AIIM staff) don't click like maniacs on SharePoint topics while at home at night to try and drive up the traffic.
- Yes, I know that the time boundaries do create a bit of a bias for those posts at the beginning of the quarter vs. the end of the quarter.
With those caveats, here are the results...
Here are the top 10 posts for the AIIM Expert bloggers:
- 5 myths about SharePoint records management
- Is SharePoint 2010 really ready for ECM?
- Creating an ECM organizational structure - building your team
- The truth about folders
- It's the users - an old story repeated many times
- Developing a hybrid SharePoint 2010/ERM/ECM platform (SPaaS)
- User profile list in SharePoint 2010
- A tweet is a record
- SharePoint - Where to begin - Play Legos
- eDiscovery and records management - a perfect storm?
And on the Digital Landfill site...
- What the hell is Google+? - Here's an answer
- 8 reasons SharePoint 2010 looks like a true ECM system
- 5 myths about taxonomy and SharePoint
- 5 myths about records management
- 5 myths about the paperless office that hinder document management software adoption
- 5 myths about SharePoint
- 37 really cool statistics about social media
- 5 myths about the CMIS standard
- 6 presentations you should look at if you don't believe that mobile changes everything
- 8 steps of the ISO/TR 15489 records management methodology
Have you signed up for the new AIIM Conference March 2012 in San Francisco? For solution providers, almost all the premium slots are sold - get moving! For attendees, mark your calendars!
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