Help Your Peers.
Share Your Knowledge.
Win $2,000.
Have you developed or used templates, guidelines, and/or checklists to get an Electronic Management Records implementation up and running? Do you know what works? If you have an existing template/framework (or an idea for one), enter our contest.
We are looking for any templates, guidelines, frameworks, and/or checklists for Electronic Records Management (determining value, project planning/components, user requirements, change management, ROI, project planning, retention planning, etc.). Let's learn from and help each other.
Competition rules:
- ALL submissions will be posted to an AIIM Electronic Records Management wiki and freely available, under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license agreement (that means we'll be able to work together to improve/update these submissions over time).
- Submission deadline is April 9, 2010.
- We will create a poll for voting. The template with the most votes wins.
- We will announce the winner on May 11, 2010
- The winner will receive a check for $2,000 (either paid directly to the winner or to a charity of the winner's choice).
- All entrants can feel good about adding to the collective knowledge of Electronic Records Management.
- You must have permission to use your submission as part of this contest.
How do you enter?
Email to with "ERM CONTEST" in the subject line. Send as a Word file (any version).
Thank you. Let's move the industry ahead together.
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