Patrick Donohue is General Manager, Enterprise Content Management, at Scott Technology Group in Rohnert Park. His desk is ruthlessly paper free and he is rarely spotted in his native habitat without his Blackberry.
Blog: (here's a link to some context for the article that follows --
Eight Practical Steps to ECM Adoption
Whether you are implementing a paperless office system, sustainable/green technologies, or other productivity changes, there are at least eight steps to successful adoption of new technology.
1 -- Decide to make the change. A critical component of any decision is to articulate how the end result maps to personal goals and motivations (in my case…efficiency worship). If you can’t answer the “so what” question, then you’re doomed to failure.
2 -- Involve stakeholders at all levels. Present the business problem and ask for feedback. You can use slide presentation with lot of images that illustrate the difficulties of the paper world. You might be surprised how much your staff wants change.
3 -- Do a “brain scan.” Ask whether you could make the change on your own or if you need outside assistance. The likelihood is that you’ll need outside assistance to make the transition from both the technological and human perspectives.
4 -- Consult outside help. Consider working with a reputable document imaging, records management or BPM specialist in your area.
5 -- Decide when to start. Consider whether your company infrastructure and employee culture is ready for the change and define the incremental steps required to get ready. Once your ducks are lined up, get started!
6 -- Once underway, plan to make personal “U-turns.” It is so easy to rationalize that you’re already half-way done with your work using the old way, but it’s the price we must pay to establish new neuro-pathways to counteract the old.
7 -- Dedicate yourself to continual improvement of the process. It won’t be perfect out of the box. You’ll need to make minor modifications in order to dial it in.
8 -- Talk with others going through the change. Communication helps let off steam and creates opportunities to gain insight and best practices from those around you.
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Also...some other titles in the 8 things series...
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