Things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving...
- Congressional recesses. The more the better.
- That I don't need most of the offers that come in my 2,000+ spam emails per week. Although I am beginning to question my choice 2 years ago of a plastic Target watch.
- That the baseball season is only 162 games long (explanation: I am a Nationals and Orioles fan).
- The whole Jon and Kate thing is done. The OctoMom too.
- I have never played one of those annoying Facebook games or quizzes.
- That the football season is only 16 games long (explanation: I am a Redskins fan).
- Fast forward.
- My highly cultivated sense of style (ahem).
- I have not thus far been below the yellow line. Although this is in direct jeopardy from #22.
- I have never been on the cover of People magazine or on Larry King.
- Getting to go to the US Open.
- That the pro basketball season is only 81 games long (explanation: I am not really much of a pro basketball fan, but when I am, I am a Wizards fan).
- Yuengling (helpful in coping with #3, #6 and #12).
- My commute is long, but it doesn't involve the inner loop of the beltway in the afternoon.
- Our 401-k was not managed by Bernie Madoff.
- Villanova in the Final Four.
- My many Panera offices.
- Economy Plus.
- The person who thought of DirectTV on JetBlue.
- I don't have to explain an $800 billion stimulus bill and 10.2% unemployment.
- The unknown person at the Y who said I was really kicking butt on the Elliptical machine.
- Tortilla Factory and Blooming Onions and the $1 value menu concept.
- I have never used performance enhancing drugs (although on the other hand, it might be flattering to be suspected of it).
- Herndon, VA is now in the national headlines as the most obscene city in the US, replacing our previous national claim to fame as a major source of undocumented worker controversy.
- Mary Glenn.
- Joey, William, Erin and Jackie.
- Good friends.
- Our church.
- Sal and Al and Nancy.
- Snickers (hah! just seeing if you were still paying attention)
- My extended family.
- My staff and Board who have hung in there in a pretty crazy year.
- All those serving in the armed forces making it possible for me and my family to have a safe Thanksgiving.
- Buxton, NC.
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