According to our recently completed state of the industry survey (for a free copy, go to THIS LINK and clock on the header "2008 State of the ECM Industry") users remain frustrated by the up front work necessary to implement a successful ECM project.
Here's the direct link for the download for those who prefer to paste into the browser...
The top 3 obstacles cited by end users remain:
- Process and organizational issues (41%)
- Lack of internal knowledge and training (36%)
- Internal politics (32%)
This is consistent with what I hear anecdotally from end users. All too often, people plow into a project and neglect the early stage work of thinking through exactly what they are trying to accomplish, why they are doing it, who needs to be on board in order for the project to be successful, and what the core planning team needs to know.
Of course, I have a bias in all this because our training program fits so well into addressing some of these challenges. We are increasingly seeing buying teams from organizations all take at least the Practitioner level in order to get everyone on the same page before starting a project -- and a "page" that is based on best practices drawn from the collective experience of our 50,000+ associates.
Folks not even to the point of knowing exactly what they are trying to do -- those still trying to move a project from the "quarter-baked" to "half-baked" stage -- often find out webinars (free) useful our local road show events (free) useful as a starting point. The road show seminars get going next month in the west and southwest and are worth checking out.
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