As many of you know, we've done some work on the question of Big Data/Big Content, both within this blog (see 10 Useful Tips on Getting Started with Big Data and Big Data and Big Content: Hype or Opportunity?) and in our Industry Watch Research (Big Data: Extracting Value from Your Digital Landfill) and in our public presentations ().
HealthCare and BigData
As a followup to all of this, I've been nosing around on the question of Big Data and Healthcare, and thought I would share some of the more useful articles with everyone. Here goes; enjoy. What articles have you seen that are especially good?
At the Intersection of Big Data and Healthcare: What 7.2 Million ...
At the Intersection of Big Data and Healthcare: What 7.2 Million Medical Records Can Tell Us. August 23rd, 2012 by Kenneth Hines.
Big Data in Healthcare: Big Problem or Huge Opportunity? | Parity ...
The healthcare industry has its own set of big data problems and not all of them can be solved with technology. As the saying goes, it takes people, process and technology – and generally the technology part is the easiest.
Big Changes Are Ahead For The Health Care Industry, Courtesy Of ...
Just about every week, another startup announces plans to mine the world's mountains of information for meaningful insights.
5 healthcare big data Twitter users to follow
Read about 5 Twitter users that people interested in healthcare and big data should follow.
Three kinds of big data - O'Reilly Radar
In the past couple of years, marketers and pundits have spent a lot of time labeling everything "big data." Someone else pointed out that Healthcare was a Big Data use case.
Are Big Data Solutions The Key To Solving Health Care's Data Problems?
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