Most people don't realize this, but the inspiration for our decision to make the knowledge associated with our Certified Information Professional certification available for free as YouTube videos came from Sal Khan at
I was reminded of this over the weekend, when Sal was featured on 60 Minutes. If you haven't ever heard the Khan Academy story (here is a link with lots of videos and interviews), you should check it out. It will give you a lot to think about relative to the future of education and the amazing global potential that this marriage of technology and education represents. And the real beauty is, like so many great ideas, that it is so amazingly simple at its core.
We were exposed to Khan Academy a number of years ago, and decided when we launched our CIP certification to follow this model relative to information dissemination. It's somewhat crazy -- people keep asking me, "You mean it's free?" -- but we hope that by making the information universally available that we will make sound information management tools and techniques part of every organization's mindset.
If you missed 60 Minutes this week, here's the link to the broadcast. Great stuff; I really admire what Sal has done. A quote from the story with which I can identify after spending 30+ years working in non-profits -- "As a not-for-profit, we're just like, 'What's our mission?' To educate children, as well as possible. I've said it enough times and it's in our mission statement: a free world-class education for anyone anywhere."
I've published a new white paper focused on the challenges facing Information Professionals. Get a free copy at THIS LINK.
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