"There is hardly any person I know who would not benefit from the content of the AIIM Certified Information Professional certification. Whether on the job or in our personal lives, we all need core skills in managing, and perhaps even mastering, the information and technology that surrounds us every day." (Tim Elmore, CIO, Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union)
A few notes on Email Architecture, Backup and Archiving
The way messages are stored, backups are made, and archives are kept is important because they all have an impact on how findable and shareable the information they contain ends up being.
It's not that long ago that emails were simply “out there” and not thought of as things that needed to be managed in the same way as other information resources. After all, the thinking went, storage is cheap, so we can just keep everything. And if we need to find it, well, Outlook and Exchange have search functions!
But what about emails that have been archived elsewhere, or simply saved to someone’s desktop? And what about the people searching from within other applications? And what of the attachments?
Here's a little review of some of the basics...
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