First, thank you to everyone who commented on my earlier post -- Would an ECM Rose by any other name be this confusing? There were many very insightful observations -- I'm working on a new post building upon this one. So thanks so much.
I have another assignment for all you great readers. I'm working on a presentation on the "Forces Shaping/Transforming Document, Content, and Records Management" (I know, title stinks -- still working on it.) So I would like to tap into the collective expertise and crowd source this presentation based on the wisdom of you all. Take as the time frame the next 12-24 months.
So post a comment with 1 force or with multiple forces. (I'm not going to be limited by my usual 8.)
So the question...
What are the major forces shaping/transforming Document, Content, and Records Management?
Chime in.
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